WECHull Biobased resin as a conventional resin replacement At the division of polymer technology @ KTH, Professor Ulrica Edlund and Dr. Samson Afewerki are working on the development of biobased...
WECHULL at International Conference on Ocean Energy and Ocena Energy EuropeRISE has presented results on the sustainable concrete mix design and testing in combination with the updated hull design by Ocean...
WECHull concrete presented at Nordic Concrete Research SymposiumRISE has presented the results of a study on sustainable high-performance concrete (HPC) development and problematic of combined...
WECHULL - concrete critical sections testingOver the last month, concrete elements in an unusual shape of a hexagon were prepared and tested within the WECHULL project at RISE...
CorPower Ocean present composite hull technologyCorPower Ocean's composite engineers Javier Verdeguer and Ho-Ann Chen attended the LIGHTer International conference in Gothenburg at the...
WECHull concrete mixOne of WECHull project end-users Ocean Harvesting is looking into alternative materials to steel and composite which are mostly used...
Kick-Off for WECHULL On January 20th the kick-off meeting was held online, due to the Corona situation and travel restrictions. The WECHULL project aims...