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WECHULL at International Conference on Ocean Energy and Ocena Energy Europe

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

RISE has presented results on the sustainable concrete mix design and testing in combination with the updated hull design by Ocean Harvesting at the International Conference of Ocean Energy and Ocean Energy Europe in Donostia/ San Sebastian, Spain.

Jan Suchorzewski (RISE) at the poster session at ICOE OEE.

The results from the WECHULL project were presented in combination with previous results from CF2T project also funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten). The poster described sustainable concrete as a competitive material to lower the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the overall CO2-footprint while extending the service life of ocean energy devices. Due to the much lower price, quick on-site manufacturing using local value chains, and exceptional durability in marine environments concrete brings opportunities for mass production of blue energy almost in any location in Europe and the world.

We are grateful for the high interest in our work and we are looking forward to new applications with other developers and renewable technologies such as floating wind and floating PV platforms.

RISE team at the ICOE OEE in San Sebastian

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